Microcurrent therapy

Small wrinkles, dry skin, puffiness of the eyelids, bags under the eyes – all this is the result of loss of tone of muscles and blood vessels, disruption of metabolism in cells. In order to get rid of these unpleasant phenomena and improve the condition of the skin, there is an effective and popular procedure – microcurrent therapy. In this article, we talk about how the technique works and what results can be expected from the therapy.

What is microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is a non-invasive hardware technique that affects both the skin itself and deeper soft tissues with the help of current. The frequency and amplitude of microcurrents are small and absolutely safe for the body.

How the technique works

During the procedure, the doctor controls the current on the required area, thereby treating the skin, muscles, lymphatic and blood vessels. This improves blood circulation and lymph circulation, regulates metabolic processes and more intensive release of metabolites. The amount of own collagen and elastin in the skin increases, the work of cells returns to normal. Thanks to this positive effect, the skin improves and becomes more protected against age-related changes.

What problems does it solve

Non-invasive microcurrent therapy helps in solving many cosmetology tasks. It is worth signing up for the procedure if the following phenomena are present on the skin:

  • small wrinkles;
  • edema (including the area around the eyes);
  • light form of pigmentation;
  • dull complexion;
  • couperose;
  • loss of definition of the oval of the face and signs of ptosis.

Microcurrent therapy also prevents the formation of wrinkles and generally protects the skin from premature aging.

What is the effect of the procedure

By signing up for microcurrent therapy at the Esteva Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology, you can count on the following result:

  • reducing the size and visibility of pores;
  • regulation of sebum secretion;
  • relaxation of spasmed muscles (including psychosomatic ones), which can help in the fight against insomnia;
  • smoothing of small wrinkles;
  • reduction or elimination of swelling on the face and around the eyes;
  • reduction of ptosis (lowering of the face);
  • lifting of the neck, breasts, buttocks and thighs.

In order to fully experience the benefits of the method, you need to complete a full course. In this case, the result will be maximally pronounced and have a cumulative anti-aging effect.

Advantages of the method

The advantages of the method include:

  • absolute safety of the procedure;
  • absence of adverse reactions;
  • therapy is painless and takes place in comfortable and calm conditions of the cosmetologycabinet;
  • there is no rehabilitation period, which allows you to quickly return to your usual lifestyle.

Who is suitable for microcurrent therapy

The method is suitable for patients of any gender over the age of 18. Anyone who wants to improve the condition of the skin and has no contraindications to microcurrent therapy can sign up for the procedure.

Microcurrent therapy: course length, how often to do

The procedure takes 30-45 minutes taking into account preparatory stages and consultation. During the therapy, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation in the treatment area.

After the microcurrent exposure, the doctor performs a short lymphatic drainage massage and intensively moisturizes the skin with a mask, serum and cream.

A full course of microcurrent therapy includes 5-15 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. The doctor decides during an individual consultation the exact amount you will need . The length and intensity of the course depend on the age and individual characteristics of the skin, as well as cosmetology problems that must be solved with the help of the technique.

Contraindications to microcurrent therapy

The non-invasive procedure has its contraindications:

  • active dermatological diseases or damage in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of cancer;
  • presence of such diseases as herpes, epilepsy, diabetes (in the stage of decompensation), SARS;
  • a pacemaker is installed in the heart.

In order to improve the condition of the skin and protect it from premature age changes, make an appointment for microcurrent therapy at the Esteva Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology. One of the experienced doctors of our clinic will analyze the condition of your skin in detail and develop a treatment plan that will perfectly meet your needs.

Мікрострумова терапія

Назва процедуриЦіна, грн
Мікрострумова терапія 1 зона (обличчя / шия / декольте) (демакіяж, очищення, тонізація, нанесення сироватки, мікроструми, маска за типом шкіри, завершальний етап догляду)