Photorejuvenation of the skin

It is often possible to observe that from the age of 30 the condition of the skin in both women and men begins to gradually deteriorate. Noticeable age-related changes appear: wrinkles, loss of skin tone and elasticity, pigmentation, etc. Although such changes are completely normal, they can be prevented or smoothed out with the help of hardware.

In this article, we will talk in detail about one of the effective hardware methods – photorejuvenation of the skin.

What is photo rejuvenation

IPL photorejuvenation (intense pulsed light) is a technology that uses streams of light rays of different lengths. Since the human skin is able to produce more collagen under the influence of light energy, the use of this method helps to improve the condition of the skin and solve various cosmetology requests. Under the influence of pulses, accelerated division and recovery of cells is also triggered, as well as the destruction of bacteria that provoke rashes.

Due to such a comprehensive positive effect on the skin, the technique can be used both by mature people who want to smooth out wrinkles, and by younger patients dealing with acne treatment.

The Esteva Clinic aesthetic medicine and dermatology clinic uses the Israeli-made Syneron eMax (ELOS) device for skin photorejuvenation procedures. The use of this device is based on evidence-based medicine and is based on clinical studies that were conducted with the involvement of 108 patients.

These patients underwent 5 sessions using the Syneron eMax (ELOS) device. There was an interval of 3 weeks between each procedure. According to the results of the study, the following effect was observed:

  • general satisfaction with the result of the course remained in 92% of patients;
  • skin texture improved in 74.1% of patients;
  • pore size reduction was observed in 65.1% of patients;
  • improvement in erythema and telangiectasia (redness and vascular stars) was observed in 68.4%;
  • improvement in skin pigmentation was observed in 79.3%.

What skin conditions are treated with IPL

With the help of IPL photorejuvenation, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin and smooth out or completely remove the following defects:

▪️ Rosacea and Star Wars – due to its effect on blood vessels, IPL can help reduce redness and star wars. An additional bonus may be the reduction of inflammatory symptoms on the skin and sensitivity.


▪️ Signs of photoaging of the skin – constant exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin leads to its serious changes. Photorejuvenation effectively fights pigmentation, fine lines and rough skin, restoring damaged areas on the face and body.

▪️ Wrinkles, age spots and birthmarks – the effect of the IPL device helps to smooth the skin and reduce any spots on the skin that are associated with the accumulation of pigment in its upper layers.

▪️ Skin flabbiness – collagen production is activated in the skin under the influence of heat. This protein is especially important for maintaining the elasticity of the skin and its healthy functioning.

It is thanks to this multifaceted positive effect on the skin that IPL therapy is widely used in modern cosmetology and has many supporters.

Benefits of skin photorejuvenation

The advantages of photorejuvenation, in addition to directly high effectiveness in the matter of skin rejuvenation, can include the following points:

  • the procedure is quite comfortable and is almost not accompanied by painful sensations. If necessary, the doctor applies local anesthesia with a cream to make the procedure as pleasant as possible;
  • recovery period takes little time;
  • absence of burns or scars in the place of impact of the device;
  • the result is fast and noticeable even with the naked eye.

How long does the effect of IPL photorejuvenation last

Depending on the purpose of IPL therapy, the result will be noticeable in the following terms:

  • to eliminate blood vessels in 1-2 weeks;
  • for general skin rejuvenation after 2-3 weeks.

Usually, to achieve the maximum result, a course of 2-4 procedures is carried out, the interval between which is 3-4 weeks.

Features of the procedure

At Esteva Clinic, the photorejuvenation procedure is carried out by licensed cosmetologists who have extensive experience in the field of aesthetic medicine and dermatology. Only modern and effective equipment is used for IPL therapy – the Syneron eMax (ELOS) device.

The importance of a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist should be noted separately. It is at such a meeting that an experienced doctor will analyze the condition of your skin and understand what type and depth of exposure it needs.

Before the procedure the patient should prepare the skin – exclude the use of aggressive cosmetics for 2-3 days. Also, a few weeks before the therapy, it is advisable to reduce exposure to the sun and exclude tanning.

It is also important to remember that after conducting procedures in the area of ​​influence slight swelling and redness may be observed. Such a skin reaction usually passes by itself in a few days.

In order to help these phenomena pass as quickly and comfortably as possible, it is necessary to follow the care recommendations from the doctor. It is mandatory to use SPF50 several times a day in the area affected by the IPL device.

Contraindications for photo rejuvenation

Contraindications to photo rejuvenation and removal of pigmentation using the Syneron eMax device:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • installed implant in the procedure area;
  • the presence of a tattoo or permanent makeup in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • installed pacemaker or defibrillator;
  • the presence in the patient of diseases stimulated by light (epilepsy, diabetes, etc.), as well as taking drugs that increase photosensitivity;
  • coagulopathy or use of anticoagulants;
  • the presence of recurrent herpes in the patient in the treatment area;
  • tendency to scar formation and abnormal wound healing;
  • very dry and sensitive skin;
  • excessive tan that was formed during the last two weeks before the procedure.

The presence of contraindications or any other specific health conditions is discussed by the patient with the doctor before starting the skin phototreatment.

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, get rid of vascular stars or remove traces of age changes – skin photorejuvenation can help you with this. You can learn even more about the procedure and understand how the technique can be useful for you at an individual consultation at Esteva Clinic.


Назва процедуриЦіна, грн
Фотоомолодження (обличчя)2900
Фотоомолодження (2/3 обличчя)2000
Фотоомолодження (ділянки навколо очей)1400
Фотоомолодження (декольте)1800
Фотоомолодження (рук)1300

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