
The variety of cosmetology procedures can confuse even an experienced client of an aesthetic medicine clinic. Among the wide variety of more complex and expensive hardware and injection methods, there are also classical cosmetology procedures that have a softer effect on the skin.

It is this technique that we will talk about today. Carboxytherapy has become especially popular in recent years, due to which many people have many questions related to the technique. We answered such questions in this article.

What is carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is a fairly popular cosmetic procedure. During the procedure, special cosmetics and activators are used to generate carbon dioxide. This gas penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, starting the process of oxygenation and removal of metabolic products.

The procedure is absolutely safe and comfortable and allows you to give the face a fresher look in an easy way. Cosmetologists advise to regularly apply the technique on the skin of the face, as well as on the neck and décolleté area.

How it works

The process of carboxytherapy consists of three stages. During each of these stages, different cosmetics are applied to the face.

At the beginning of the procedure, the beautician thoroughly cleans the skin of makeup and impurities. A special solution with acids is already applied to the cleansed skin, which creates the right conditions for the second step.

At the second stage, an activator is added to the acid, which starts the CO2 release process . Skin cells begin to be saturated with oxygen, blood circulation and metabolism processes improve. It is during the second stage that the patient begins to feel tingling and prickling on the skin, and the solution itself begins to fizz. Although these feelings can be quite pronounced, they disappear very quickly.

After the solution has been on the skin for a few minutes, the cosmetologist carefully removes its remains from the skin and prepares it for the final stage – intense moisturizing and soothing.

What problems does it solve

The following skin problems can be solved with the help of carboxytherapy:

  • opacity;
  • texture roughness;
  • dehydration and dryness;
  • spotakne, pigment spots;
  • dilated pores;
  • small wrinkles;
  • excessive secretion of sebum.

Carboxytherapy allows you to gently and comprehensively improve the condition of the skin, make it healthier and more elastic, which restores a rested look to the face.

What are the advantages of the method

Additional advantages of the method, in addition to the direct positive effect on the skin, are:

  • the procedure is completely comfortable, without pain and violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • if you go through the procedure as a course, the result will be long-lasting;
  • safe procedure with no adverse reactions;
  • the procedure is all-season and can be carried out even in summer.

What result to expect from carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is aimed at improving microcirculation, lymphatic circulation, and cell metabolism. The technique helps to start the process of rapid skin recovery, which is manifested as follows:

  • skin tone evens out, becomes healthier;
  • post-acne manifestations and pigmentation are reduced;
  • sebum secretion returns to normal;
  • pores narrow and become less visible;
  • skin becomes more hydrated and radiant.

After the procedure, the skin looks smooth and slightly rosy. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out carboxytherapy a day before an important event, so that the skin has time to recover.

How many carboxytherapy procedures are needed

To obtain the maximum positive result, carboxytherapy must be completed in a course of 4-8 procedures. The interval between visits to a cosmetologist should be 7-10 days, because this is the time the skin needs to recover.

After completing a full course, the patient receives a noticeable cumulative effect, which contributes to a more pronounced and long-lasting result. In order to understand exactly how many procedures you need to undergo, you need to make an appointment for an individual consultation at the Esteva Clinic aesthetic medicine and dermatology clinic. After examining your skin and studying its features, the doctor will be able to determine an individual schedule of procedures.

Contraindications to carboxytherapy

The facial treatment is very common and is often performed to improve the skin condition of people of all ages. But even such a widespread technique has a number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic infectious diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • diabetes in the stage of decompensation;
  • skin damage or dermatological problems in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • epilepsy;
  • herpes;
  • individual intolerance of the components used in the means necessary for carboxytherapy.

The patient must inform the doctor about the presence of any contraindications from the list or other specific health conditions before starting carboxytherapy.

If you want to improve the condition of the skin of your face, make its tone and relief more even, and remove the effects of rashes, then carboxytherapy will be a great addition to your skin care arsenal. Visit Esteva Clinic to ask all your questions and make an appointment for the procedure!


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Карбоксітерапія Експрес-омолодження 1 зона (обличчя/шия/декольте) Безін'єкційна карбоксітерапія забезпечує транспортування активних компонентів у високій концентрації і молекулярного вуглекислого газу глибоко в шкіру950