What is rosacea

лечить розацеа

Rosacea is the common name for a skin disease that is chronic with recurrent exacerbations. Visually, it looks like prolonged redness of some areas of the face – cheeks, cheekbones, chin or forehead. It is accompanied by the appearance of a vascular network.

In the exacerbation stage of rosacea, small red pustules appear, due to which the disease is called rosacea. It should be understood that the nature of the appearance of acne vulgaris (acne) or psoriasis and the characteristic rash in this disease are different.

розацеа акне

The frequency of exacerbations does not have clear time intervals. The acute period can last from several weeks to several months, then the symptoms disappear, and after a while they reappear.

Clinical manifestations give a rather characteristic picture. In some cases, the disease manifests itself in non-specific areas, which can be confusing for an inexperienced doctor. The appearance of acne on the scalp, behind the ears, on the eyelids is not as obvious as redness with pustules on the face.

розацеа что это

The diagnosis of rosacea should only be established by a qualified physician based on examination, questioning and history taking. This is done by highly qualified dermatologists at the Esteva Clinic for aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.


Causes and symptoms of rosacea

There is no consensus on the causes of rosacea. Most of the studies conducted indicate some genetic predisposition. Doctors tend to believe that a combination of several factors plays a role – hereditary and environmental influences.

Причины розацеа

It is considered proven that the appearance of rosacea is promoted by:

📌 excessively spicy food;
📌 hot drinks with caffeine – coffee and tea;
📌 some chemicals found in products, in particular cinnamaldehyde. It is found in chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cinnamon dishes;
📌 gastrointestinal diseases associated with intestinal bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
📌 previous illness with demodicosis, since the skin mite is a carrier of the bacterium Bacillus oleronius;
📌 other conditions in which the protein cathelicidin is secreted. In a normal state, this protein protects the skin from infections, but with its excess, pathology may develop.

If any of the close ancestors was diagnosed with rosacea, the likelihood of the disease in the offspring is slightly higher.

People with fair skin, hair and blue eyes are more susceptible to rosacea, which indirectly testifies in favor of the theory of genetic predisposition, as well as, possibly, the relationship between the disease and sensitivity to sunlight.

The disease does not depend on gender, but in men the symptoms are more severe. The incidence is more pronounced in women (who suffer from rosacea 3 times more often than men). That is, women suffer from this ailment a little more often, men bear it harder.

The disease is widespread throughout the world. For example, among Americans alone, 16 million cases have been diagnosed, which is approximately 8% of all cases of dermatosis. In the Scandinavian countries, this figure can be as high as 10%.

In terms of the age range, rosacea most often occurs between the ages of 30 and 50, but can occur at any age. Researchers note a definite effect of frequent stress, physical exertion, aggressive cosmetics on the risk of disease.

Rosacea classification


The course of the disease is characterized by gradual development. First, redness appears – in the language of doctors, it is called erythema. A little later, a visible mesh of thin vessels forms under the skin, at first it is red, then it can become cyanotic. This stage is called erythemato-telangiectatic.

The next stage is papulopustular. Against the background of redness, pink bumps (papules) appear, which can fester and go to the stage of pustules (abscesses).

At the phymatous stage, nodules and rashes merge into a solid focus. The skin becomes dense, infiltration may separate. Without medical intervention, the skin can remain deformed forever.

Ocular rosacea is characterized by more than just redness and rashes. It causes frequent conjunctivitis, reduces visual acuity, and increases sensitivity to sunlight.

How to cure rosacea

If you read somewhere on the Internet, or your friends say that they know how to quickly cure rosacea, be extremely skeptical. Today there is no way to prevent the onset of this disease, as well as to easily and permanently get rid of it. Treatment for rosacea is prescribed only by a dermatologist after a thorough diagnosis.

Means and procedures are selected individually. Comprehensive treatment of rosacea is aimed at reducing external manifestations, preventing rashes, removing or minimizing the consequences.

In order to relieve symptoms, apply:

✅ external ointments containing antibiotics, azelaic acid
✅ systemic antibiotics,
✅ antihistamines;
✅ in difficult cases, retinoids are prescribed;
✅ physiotherapy procedures.

A mandatory background for drug treatment should be the rejection of provoking factors and adherence to the diet. Proper gentle care is also important.

How to treat rosacea redness

As an accessible aid, you can use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs – string, chamomile, calendula. They have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. However, treatment for rosacea only with folk remedies is unacceptable, their effect is not enough.

Лечение розацеа

At the stage of vascular network formation (telangiectasias), laser treatment or the radio wave method of removing blood vessels is considered expedient. These methods have a gentle effect, allowing you to quickly and painlessly get rid of the external signs of the disease.

Apparatus influence is also used at the stage of phimous changes. This stage, fortunately, occurs in a small number of patients. It is characterized by overgrowth of the sebaceous glands and connective tissue.

Phimoses can form on the nose (rhinophyma), chin (gnatofima), above the bridge of the nose and on the forehead (metaphima), on the earlobes (otofima), on the eyelids (blepharophimosis).

Rhinophyma is amenable to laser surgery.


Benefits of hardware treatment

Treatment of rosacea with a laser consists in the bloodless removal of phimous growths. For this, erbium or CO2 lasers are used. With their help, tissue reconstruction is carried out, and subsequently, postoperative scars are not formed.

Electrocoagulation is used to remove the vascular network.

Be sure to consult a qualified doctor about the possibility of using hardware methods. This can be done by making an appointment with a dermatologist at our clinic.

Contraindications for rosacea

Patients often ask: what to do in order not to exacerbate rosacea? The doctor will tell you the detailed prescriptions. We will outline general preventive measures a little below, but for now we recall that tanning salons, chemical and mechanical peels are absolutely contraindicated.

Prevention of rosacea

Unfortunately, no one knows the exact answer to the question “how to cure rosacea?” This is a chronic disease with varying degrees of intensity and frequency of manifestations. The task of the doctor and the patient is to select a set of measures that minimize the risk of a second episode. General tips boil down to the following:

✅ avoid spicy and smoked;
✅ get rid of bad habits, in particular, smoking;
✅ do not abuse strong tea and coffee;
✅ monitor the general state of health, the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system in particular;
✅ be extremely attentive to the choice of cosmetics and cosmetic procedures for rosacea;
✅ do not sunbathe;
✅ avoid stress.

We sincerely wish you all good health, and are always ready to provide professional medical assistance.

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